Look & Listen DVD: Shutter Island

The 'mental institution psycho thriller' has been done numerous times, but it seems as though Scorsese has managed to inject the genre with a great sense of freshness.

The beautiful cinematography jumps right off the screen, with blood and guts flowing as eloquently as would a red evening dress during an intimate night out with a loved one.

DiCaprio's intense performance should be commended, with Ruffalo as well as Kingsley doing solid jobs themselves. What's interesting about this movie is that the plot seems to take a backseat, as the exploration of DiCaprio's struggles to come to grips with his nightmares becomes increasingly deep and revealing as the movie progresses.

"The beautiful cinematography  jumps right off the screen, with blood and guts flowing as eloquently as would a red evening dress during an intimate night out with a loved one."

Shutter Island is therefore much more of a character study than it is a true thriller/horror, something that the numerous scenes of long-winded dialogue manage to accentuate perfectly. Not much of a popcorn movie - go see it when your in the mood for someone that requires a bit of brain scrambling.

Highlight: Scorsese puts a considerable amount of effort into the movie's visual impression, resulting in some powerful flashback scenes between DiCaprio and his former love.

Time to let go Leo, seriously.
Rating: 4-and-a-half Meerkat Tails


  1. Loved this movie 2.... But not your Sunday laid back type of movie... need to use your brain!

  2. Indeed... you definitely need to be in a serious movie-watching mood for this one... the film rewards those who invest some thought while watching, though!


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